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اخر الاخبار
اخبار محلية
الثلاثاء، 26 يناير 2021

Iraq Rice Harvest Ends With Quantities of 260k Tons: OfficialTuesday

 Iraq Rice Harvest Ends With Quantities of 260k Tons: Official

Tuesday, January 26, 2021 04:04 PM 

By Khalid Al-Ansary
(Bloomberg) --
Iraq completed its harvest of home-grown rice, with 260K tons gathered, the country’s grain board director, Abdul Rahman Aji Tofan, said in a statement.

Output dropped from 307k tons last year as fewer provinces were included in the count, according to grain board spokesman Amer Abdul Aziz

NOTE: Requirement for Iraq’s government-subsidized food rationing program is estimated at 1.3m tons/year

NOTE: Jan. 14, Iraq Government Doesn’t Plan to Import Wheat in 2021: Official

To contact the reporter on this story:
Khalid Al-Ansary in Baghdad at kalansary@bloomberg.net
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